Male Breasts — An Embarrassing Condition That is More Common than You Think
When men develop breasts, it can be embarrassing and cause both physical and emotional discomfort in men of all ages. Because this condition, commonly known as gynecomastia, isn’t life-threatening, many don’t seek treatment from their doctors or other medical professionals. If you are one of the many men suffering from male breasts and would like to find out more about possible treatment options, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about this common condition and possible treatments available to you today. H ow Do I Know If I Have Gynecomastia? There are a few key things to look for when trying to determine if you have gynecomastia or not. First, look at the size and shape of your breasts. If they are larger and rounder than usual, it could be a sign of gynecomastia. Second, check to see if your nipples are enlarged or puffy. If they are, this is another possible indication of the condition. Finally, feel your breasts to see if there is any pain or te...